I'M NOT EASY ( a little bit of my story)

I'm not easy to live and do life with.

I know that.

Ask my family.
Ask my ex.
Ask my kids.
And of course....
Ask my partner.

I’m not easy to live & do life with but that doesn’t mean I’m a b$%*, selfish, or I don’t care about others. Quite the opposite. I care deeply and connection is one of my core values.

And still, I know. I’m not easy to live and do life with. AND I’m not wiling to make excuses for that. I do not apologise for that.

In fact, I celebrate it.

I am a beautiful, if sometimes messy work in progress.

So while I’m not nasty or uncaring, I will tell you what I am, what I have and what I know. 

I am direct. I have high expectations of myself and of others.
I have firm boundaries, which I hold to but able to be tweaked & adjusted as needed.

I know what I want.

I know how I want my life to feel and where I'm headed.
I know what’s OK for me and what’s not.
And I try to communicate that clearly, kindly, compassionately (another life-long learning journey, work in progress.)

I’m OK with not walking the easy path. It’s not that I want my journey to be rough, or difficult, it’s simply that I am OK choosing the RIGHT path for me. And if that’s an unexpected path, I’m OK with that.

I don't want my relationship (or my life for that matter) to be 'ordinary' or conventional' JUST BECAUSE. To please others, or fit into a pre-determined set of guidelines. Just because someone else thinks that’s how life & relationships “should” be done.

My life, my relationship is exactly that. MINE. So, it might not look like yours, and it might not look like others think it “should” and that’s OK with me. 

I’m feisty & spirited. Strong & determined.

Independent, and learning not to be so fiercely so, that I short-change myself with support from others.

I have a great big messy heart that, if you’re in my inner circle, I’ll share with you fully.
I have strong opinions that I’m not afraid to share, discuss & debate. I’m also super curious to hear what you think & feel & know but…

I sometimes forget that not everyone (including my partner) thinks exactly the way I do. So I remind myself to connect, be present & listen.

I know my truth.

I know who I am.

I can also see the potential of & am lit up excited by who I’m growing into. Who I’m yet to become.

I know what I’m capable of and what my strengths are.

I’m deeply connected to my knowing.

What’s right for me. How my mind, body, heart & soul work.

That I’m on a life-long learning journey. I know I’m not perfect, but a perfectly imperfect messy work in progress.

I’ve unlearned a whole lot of the stories I’ve been told & have told myself over my time on earth. I’m committed to my own growth & healing, on uncovering my blind spots, & shoring up my weaknesses.

I know my worth & what I bring to the world. To my people. To my relationships.
And I know how infinitely valuable that is.

...and all of that absolutely brings up challenges in my relationship, but here’s the thing...

Taking this path is EXACTLY what makes my relationship SO good.

All the things that make life with me so challenging, are also what make life with me SO FREAKING GOOD! (Crazy, right!? And yes, sometimes it drives my partner a little crazy too.)

But why am I sharing this? Why am I telling you all of this?

My lovely, I’m sharing this because I do not want you to think you need to settle for ordinary.
Do NOT believe you must accept conventional, just because that’s what you’ve been shown or told is “normal.”

Just because you think or you’ve been told you “should” be OK with whatever is expected of you.

Don’t be told that what you want, hope for & dream of is “too much” or “unrealistic.“

Don’t be told YOU are too much, unrealistic, too emotional, or that your expectations are too high.

Because I'm here to tell you:

You are NOT too much or too emotional and your expectations are not too high.

The exciting, passionate, not-so-ordinary relationship that you deeply desire is VERY real & oh, so possible for you.

You CAN create the deeply connected, fulfilling life & relationship your soul craves without surrendering any part of yourself.

And if you felt these words pull at your heart strings & stir your soul. If you heard your deep knowing say 'Holy crap, that’s me' then my 1:1 coaching program RECLAIM is ABSOLUTELY perfect for you.

Join me on the path of our choosing.

Book your complimentary 20-min chat to explore
how I can support you to walk your own path in your relationship
without blowing it all up or thinking you’re 'too much'

Sallyanne Hartnell