Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell

Should I Stay Or Leave? Divorcing A Nice Person

Stay or Leave? Divorcing a Nice Person

Should I Stay or Leave? Divorcing Mr. Nice Guy

Sitting in indecision is hard, especially when there's nothing dramatically wrong with your marriage, relationship, or partner.

You're contemplating leaving Mr. or Mrs. Nice Person—someone who treats you with kindness and respect. Yet, there’s a nagging feeling that something is missing, that there could be more. You feel like housemates or close friends rather than intimate partners or lovers.

It's not that the relationship is bad, but you can't shake the sense that you're unfulfilled, like something important is missing.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell

Smart Ways To Minimise Your Legal Fees During Divorce

Practical ways you can minimise your legal fees down when you're navigating divorce.

Smart strategies to minimise what you pay a family lawyer or divorce attorney during divorce.

And how working with a specialised Divorce Coach & Strategist can support you and is an investment that can save you - time, energy, heartache and money - when you're going through a divorce.

A Divorce Coach saves you legal fees when you're in the Family Law arena.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell

Keeping Your Legal Fees Down During Divorce

How you can keep your legal fees down when you're navigating divorce.

Smart strategies to minimise what you pay a family lawyer or divorce attorney during divorce.

And how working with a specialised Divorce Coach & Strategist can support you and is an investment that can save you - time, energy, heartache and money - when you're going through a divorce.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell


We've all been sold the Disney fairy princess happy ever after version of love, but is it reality? Let's bust some of the myths we believe about love.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell

You Know You Want To Leave Your Relationship But... The Hard Truths You Can't Ignore

You know, deep down, you want to leave your marriage but… there's so many reasons it feels too hard, too much, too scary. Let's not minimise the reality here. Divorce is hard. And making the decision to leave a marriage is almost as hard. If you’re straddling the fence, wondering if you should stay or go, there are some hard truths you can’t ignore.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell

5 Subtle Signs Your Relationship Is Not As Healthy As You Think

5 subtle signs your relationship is not as healthy as you think.

If you’re Googlng “am I in a dysfunctional relationship” or “is my marriage toxic” or “how to know my marriage is over”

If you’re asking yourself whether you should stay or leave, this blog post can help you unravel things and find your own answers.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell

A Letter To All The Single Mother's on Mother's Day

A letter to all the single mother’s on Mother’s Day

After divorce, Mother’s Day can be a hard day to navigate, so this letter is in support of anyone navigating Mother’s Day as a single Mum, or after divorce.

How to support yourself as you navigate Mother’s Day after divorce.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell


Feeling stuck in & overwhelmed by the inability to make a decision about your relationship or marriage is a lonely, painful place. You’re worried you’ll regret staying. And you’re equally worried you’ll regret leaving. Why is it so hard? And what can you do to make the hard decision easier?

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell


It might be a slow dawning of realisation or it might be a single 💥SNAP💥 moment, but there comes a time when you just know. You know it’s time. It’s time to CHOOSE YOU.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell


Choosing you isn't always easy. It’s not always comfortable or convenient. Especially at first, as you heal & move from self-abandonment to self-honouring, it can feel uncomfortable, but there comes a time when you can’t NOT choose yourself.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell


Self-abandonment is a learned pattern of behaviour, often from childhood. As adults however, we have the power to consciously choose; to re-program this behaviour, re-parent ourselves & nurture the inner confidence & skills we need to allow difficult emotions, thoughts & feelings to be brought to the surface. To stay present & self-honouring.

This post leads you through some ways you can start your healing journey from self-abandonment to self-honouring.

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Sallyanne Hartnell Sallyanne Hartnell


Self Abandonment plays a huge role in causing unhappiness in relationships. If you’re feeling resentful, exhausted, taken for granted, frustrated or just plain RAGE in your relationship… there’s a big chance self-abandonment is playing a part.

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